Andrea Green Photography

May 23, 2012

Woodman Point Sunset 2nd Edition

I posted a shot of Woodman Point quite a while ago and I thought it was awesome. Somehow I overlooked this one which I think is heaps better so I thought why not post it, so here it is.

May 1, 2012

Green Head Coast

Last Easter we went up to a place called Green Head with my cousins and our families had a great time. I’d forgotten about the few photos that I’d taken and I just found this so I thought I’d show you all.

There’s not much there really to do or to take photos of but I think this one came up alright.


April 24, 2012

Another shot from Matilda Bay

This is another shot from Matilda Bay. I wanted to get something in the foreground but there isn’t a lot to choose from so I decided to try it out with one of the trees on the foreshore. I think it turned out pretty good.

Let me know what you think.

April 20, 2012

Bennion Beach WA

I decided to head out today as I haven’t been out and done any new landscapes for a while. The clouds were looking alright so I thought I’d get a half descent sunset but no, it was a shocker. Anyway I decided to stay and have a crack and this is one of the shots that I got, I think it’s turned out pretty good.

Let me know what you think?

April 17, 2012

Woodman Point Sunset

This photo was taken down at the beach that’s not far from where I live. I just knew it was going to be an amazing sunset and when I got there it didn’t disappoint. It was so bright and intense I thought it was amazing.

I love the beach so much, when I go there it’s just so peaceful and relaxing. How can you not feel great when you’ve got fresh air, the sounds of waves crashing and beautiful sunsets like this.

What do you think? Do you like the beach too?

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