Andrea Green Photography

June 12, 2012

Baby Hayley

This is the very cute Hayley. She was about a week old when I took her photos.

I tell you what she made me work hard to get the photos of her but it was so worth it. The poor little thing just didn’t like me touching her, every  time I did anything to her she stirred and then cried. I like to think that I’m usually pretty darn good with babies, they fall asleep great for me, I absolutely adore shooting them, and I just love being around them, but this day she just didn’t want a bar of me. I felt like such a meanie. Anyway we ended up with some great photos so I am definately not complaining.

Thanks so much to her lovely Mum for being so patient. Hope you guys like the photo. What do you think the portrait or landscape photo?

June 8, 2012

Baby Kalani

Sorry to everyone who usually follows my blog on a regular basis, I had been unwell for a week and then my daughter was really crook so I have not had a chance to get onto the computer let alone post anything. Finally all is going great again and I have some new things to post on the blog, Yeah I’m starting to catch up again.

My cousin Tracey and her hubby Shane had the most gorgeous baby girl named Kalani and I am so lucky that I was able to do some newborn photos of her.

I haven’t seen Tracey in so long it’s ridiculous, you loose touch with family so easily as you get older and you all have your own family to take care of. We were talking and how bad is it that her hubby met all of us for the first time at a funeral. I decided that getting together for a new baby is way better and thought bugger this we’re having a cousins get together, why not? It’s a good way for all of us to keep in touch and get to know each other again.

Anyway here is one of the shots I got of the gorgeous Kalani, she was the best baby to shoot. She didn’t really stir at all and I was finally able to get a baby in this pose. I am so excited, this pose is quite difficult to get as babies don’t always want to be put into some poses and recently ever bub that I tried just didn’t want a bar of it so we did other things instead. You ALWAYS have to listen to what the baby does and doesn’t like, and I can tell you they will certainly let you know if they don’t like it.

Anyways what do you think? I think this shot looks great and Kalani is just adorable?

May 15, 2012

Last Photos of Barbara

Here are the last couple of my favourite photos of Barbara.

I just found out that she went in to labour the day after we did our session, phew. But unlucky as she was 5 weeks early. Luckily mum and bub are doing fine.

I’m a bit disappointed as there is a bit of a problem with the baby, nothing major thank goodness, but unfortunately it means having to put off her newborn session until she is older.

Never mind I will have to contain my excitement at meeting her until later on. I get so excited about the thought of meeting the new babies and doing the session with them, I just can’t help myself.

Hope you like these latest photos.



May 11, 2012

More Barbara

I was having a bit of a play with some of Barbara’s photos and came across this soft sepia look.

Different effects don’t always look good on everything but I felt that it looked really nice on these particular shots from the session. what do you guys think?

May 7, 2012


This is another one of the shots I took of the lovely Barbara.

She had such a great time when we did her maternity session and it makes me feel so good that people feel that comfortable around me when I’m doing my job. I always hope that my clients have a good time and feel relaxed when they come and see me. Having your photo taken can be a really difficult thing for a lot of people so I think I’ve done my job well when they walk out feeling the way Barbara did. What more can you ask for?

What do you think Black & White or Colour?

May 6, 2012

Barbara 35 weeks

Here is one of the photos of the lovely Barbara and her husband Sief. Barbara was 35 weeks and so excited about the prospect of meeting her baby soon.

Having a baby is such an exciting time, your body is changing, you can feel all of these strange things happening inside of you, your trying to figure out what your baby is going to look like. It’s a pretty amazing time, I really don’t believe that anything beats it.

I can’t wait to see Barbara, Sief and their new baby in a little while, it’s so exciting.

May 1, 2012

Green Head Coast

Last Easter we went up to a place called Green Head with my cousins and our families had a great time. I’d forgotten about the few photos that I’d taken and I just found this so I thought I’d show you all.

There’s not much there really to do or to take photos of but I think this one came up alright.


April 26, 2012

Some more photos of Ruby

Here are a few more photos of Ruby. Just about all done, yeh. Can’t wait for Mum and Dad to see them.


April 21, 2012

More Photos of Taynia

Here are some more maternity photos of Taynia. Hope you like them.


April 12, 2012

Bunker Bay Silhouette

This is a shot that I have been sitting on for ages trying to decide if I liked it or not. I kept thinking “yeh it’s alright” and then “no it’s not good enough” and kept on going back and forth. My husband said that he really likes it so I have finally decided why not, so low and behold here it is.

Let me know what you think


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